my plan

Keeping track

When you start keeping track of things, you start to accumulate data. And when you have data, you start to analyze it. Or maybe that's just me.

Anyway, the Scalegod this morning is still saying 194.0. He's stuck on that number. (Forget the 8 miles yesterday -- and the fact that I "netted" just 700 calories for the day. Whatever.)

So this morning when I jotted down the weight in my (knockoff) day timer, I noticed something else. The last time the Scalegod got all stubborn for no discernible (AKA, bad behavior) reason, was two weeks after I started my last period.

And guess what? It's 2 weeks after I started my last period.

Since I've only got data from the last 6 weeks, I can't exactly call this a trend. But it might be something for me to keep in mind (AKA, something to keep me from freaking out).

And it will be interesting to see if the same thing happens next month.